
together forever
09.10.2012 в 22:55

ancient little bird in a spaceship limping across universe to raze a mile-high mountain with its diamond-hard beak
Ух ты, второй какой классный! А кто автор?
10.10.2012 в 12:31

together forever
sherlomag2011, тебе ссылку на автора надо?
10.10.2012 в 12:38

ancient little bird in a spaceship limping across universe to raze a mile-high mountain with its diamond-hard beak
Gold + Belle, да, если можно. :)
10.10.2012 в 16:43

ancient little bird in a spaceship limping across universe to raze a mile-high mountain with its diamond-hard beak
Gold + Belle, спасибо. :)
10.10.2012 в 17:33

ancient little bird in a spaceship limping across universe to raze a mile-high mountain with its diamond-hard beak
Gold + Belle,
10.10.2012 в 18:03

together forever
sherlomag2011, читать дальше

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